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Riccardo patrese drives wife crazy in Civic Type-R bg Riccardo patrese drives wife crazy in Civic Type-R en  

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riccardo patrese drives wife crazy in Civic Type-R

Bulgaria febmc | 2008-10-10 17:19:29 | ..--.--
Well, it's not really good..

+ -> he
- -> she

+ Com'on, get on!
- How do you reduce the air conditioning? It's really cold here.. You know I've got always problems.. 0:50 - You have to go slow, you see..
+ Again?
- You have to go slow ..
bla bla bla
01:27 - Thank heaven you can't go fast.. How this track? You already learned it?
- I know well this circuit (??)
- Really?
- What is this blue stuff that I saw before?
+ ??
- To get back on the track..? So you see them (cars) that go by when you exit the box?
- Yes
01:52 - Slow ..! Com'on .. poor people, they just told you to go slow! There are people working here..?? .. I've got the lunch that's coming back up.
02:05 - You do it on purpose! I'm not having fun!!!! Please, it's really nice to see you (race) but this car isn't an F1 car, it's not stuck to the ground!
02:26 - Oh GOD, just one lap. They told you to go slowly, please :) I've got the children at home that wait for mom and dad
02:40 - Please, no, no, Ricardo, NO, slow down!! Are you out of your mind?
02:49 - Watch, watch (com'on), please, ??, please Ricardo, they told you to go slowly, you're going near them! Mamma mia, Ricardo! I'm getting off!
03:04 Noo, please!! Enough! You're a piece of shit! Go f*** yourself! I'll never get on! I've told you that I didn't want to get on
03:20 - Oh, the stew .. Madonna.. Every time I got on with you this stuff. I'm gonna though up..
03:29 - Mamma mia.. ..
+ I've filmed you
- You're a piece of shit!
+ I really want to see this
- But you knew it was there..?
+ I forgot about it
United States Анонимен | 2010-02-09 03:10:50 | 71.105.--.--
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